Governors Run Homeowner Association
Code of Ethics and Conduct for Committee Members
The Governors Run Homeowner Association (GRHOA) Board of Directors has adopted the following Code of Ethics and Conduct for all the committee (Architectural Review Committee, Landscape Committee, Election Committee and Social Committee) members to ensure that they follow a high standard of ethical conduct in the performance of their duties in order to maintain the confidence of the members of the Association. The following principles and guidelines constitute the Code of Ethics and Conduct:
- Committee members strive at all times to serve the best interest of the community as a whole regardless of their personal interests.
- Committee members perform their duties without bias for or against any individual or group of homeowners.
- No committee member shall engage in any writing, publishing, or speech making that defames any Board member, any other committee member or any homeowner.
- No committee member shall harass, threaten or attempt through any means to control or instill fear in any homeowner or contractor.
- No committee member shall divulge personal information about homeowners that was obtained during meetings of the committee they serve in.
- Committee members may not knowingly misrepresent any facts to anyone involved in anything with the community which would benefit them in any way.
- No committee member may use his/her position to enhance his/her financial status through the use of certain contractors or suppliers. Any potential conflict of interest must be exposed to the Board of Directors.
- All committee members are subject to the GRHOA Bylaws, committee guidelines and all conduct rules defined in this document. If found in violation of any of them, they will be given 30 days to make amends to the satisfaction of the Board and/or the appropriate Committee.
Adopted by the Board on March 10, 2020